Saturday 24 October 2015

What Is Global Warming?

Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate.

Global Warming: 2015 Articles, Facts, Causes &

What Is The Causes Of Global Warming?

Global warming is caused by many things. However the causes can be divided into two types which are natural causes and man-made causes.

The natural causes are created by the nature. Example for natural causes is the release of methane gas from Artic Tundra and Wetlands. Methane is stored in water and ice from the Artics seabead’s. Methane is a greenhouse gas and this gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth's atmosphere. That is why methane leads to global warming.

However human also causes global warming. The man made causes will damage our earth more. Human activities such as cutting down the trees will leads to global warming. The function of the tree is to absorb the carbon dioxide. When there is no tree more carbon dioxide will be stayed in the atmosphere and thus trapping more heat.  Besides, burning of fossil fuels may cause global warming because when they are burnt they release carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. As we all know the layer of greenhouse gas is getting thicker, trapping more carbon dioxide gas making our earth warmer. Thus the unlimited burning of fossil fuels is the cause of climate change.

Other than that, the excessive release of chlorine and bromine from man-made compound such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) will cause the depletion of ozone. CFCs have direct impact of the ozone layer because the components of CFCs are categorized as ozone-depleting substances (ODS). When the ozone layer becomes thinner it will leads to global warming. Global temperatures would rise as the concentration of CFC in the atmosphere increase.  Human contribute the release of CFCs by using cleaning agents, coolants in refrigerators, packing material, air conditioning and aerosol spray cans.

Our vehicles also can be cause of global warming. Today almost people have their own cars. This meant that more carbon dioxide and other global warming gasses released. In U.S, Transportation produces almost 30 percent of all U.S. global warming emissions. One day our vehicle might be the major causes of the global warming.

The average of global temperature has increase year to year, and this situation is not good for our future. We have to save our earth.

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The Effect Of Global Warming

Our earth is warming from North Pole to South Pole. There are some effects of the global warming. As the temperature is rising up, ice is melting especially at the North Pole. Some of the animal population there are losing their habitat.

Sea level rise become faster because the ice at the North Pole are melting. Global warming also can leads to acidification of the ocean.

Acidification of  the ocean

Global warming gives effect to plant and animal too. Some of the animal and plant will not survive in high temperature.

Other than that global warming will give impact on the society. If the global temperature continues to increase human population will faced a lot of problem such as loss clean water resources, food crisis and human population might have a problems with their health.

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Ways To Prevent Global Warming

So, one of the ways to prevent this environment problem are practise on 3R which are reduce, reuse and recycle. By using this method, we actually can save 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. We can start to choose reusable product instead of disposable such as reusable water bottle. Also, we can buy product that use less packaging, this help to reduce solid waste.

Next, to prevent global warming is drive less and drive smart. This means avoiding yourselves from drive a car to go any destination such as workplace or markets. This help to reduce your carbon footprint.  The other alternative to us to driving are use public transit, biking, walking or carpooling. Besides, help to prevent global warming it also encourage us to less money spent on gas and great form of exercises.

Buy energy with efficient products means when we buy a new car, for an example, we need to choose the product that offer good gas mileage. Home appliances now come in a range of energy-efficient models, and LED bulbs are designed to provide more natural-looking light while using far less energy than standard light bulbs. This also can help us to prevent global warming.

Switch off the electricity when you are using it, also one of the ways to prevent global warming. We need to switch off the light after use it especially when you leave your room and only use it when needed. Not only that, after you watch television or use your computer make sure that you turn off the power supply.

Then, we also can reduce the global warming by planting a tree. How tree can reduce global warming? during the process of photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. They are an integral part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle here on Earth, but there are too few of them to fully counter the increases in carbon dioxide caused by automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities. Also, for your information, tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.

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~Thank  You~

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