Friday 9 October 2015

Water Pollution


What is water? What the purpose of water?
Of course we know water right? Water is essential thing in our daily life and useful used in domestic user. In our daily life, water used everyday, anywhere and anytime. If you wake up in the morning, you usually go to toilet to pee, brush teeth and wash your face entirely using water. After that, your breakfast in the morning, your mommy make coffee for you with hot water. When you walk out from house door, you see your dad watering some plant and mommy doing laundry. From there, we know that everything in our life need water even though we don't realize it. Imagine the world without any water just like disaster and deserted. There is no life form without water just like in planet Mercury. Example in area of less raining over a year, Sahara Desert look at that place it seem low with habitat and ecosystem for life.

Water is very useful in the world, every living things need it. However, water can be used in many ways to help in our life. I'm not gonna list all of it. If you want to look more details about function of water you can go that link we provide below.

--   Function of water   --

Empire of Egypt

Water in ancient times were very important just like now. Mostly early people in ancient times, create settlement near to water sources like river, beach, pond or other than that. For example, the Egyptians empire is near to Nile river which become center of town. Chinese civilization also located in the Yellow and Yangtze river. In Malay civilization, it was built near to coast of Melaka and it was become a strategic place as harbor for business deal. The sea at that times, become communication medium to the sailor around the world to explore the new places and do business deal. Furthermore, in ancient times, they need water to watering plants for food, cook food and for daily life. The point here is most of the ancient civilization started their place near the water. Water also been said by philosopher such as Thales. "Thales", says Cicero,"assures that water is the principle of all things; and that God is that Mind which shaped and created all things from water." Let just says water been serious attention in ancient times even Thales said human come from water. Well, the water containing life which are bacteria and other organism. Even the space explorer Odyssey, the planet containing water have the "life form" we don't know about it.
Natural philosopher: Thales

--           Wikipedia Thales          --
--          History Of Water           --

Unique of Water

What make water so special? Is its characteristics. Water consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen which familiar be called H2O. Moreover, water is universal solvent. Mean that, water can soluble in anything solution such as syrup, chocolate solution and other than that. This characteristic make water so unique. Furthermore, the water is high in specific heat capacity mean that water can absorb more temperature. Below are the links you can see more details about characteristics of water.

--                      Characteristics of Water                            --
--                 Water in Biology and Chemistry                    --

Even though we all know the vital role of water, still there have people don't know and not responsible after what they doing with the "water". What we say here is some people pollute water for their own interest. It seem people like that don't know the RULES. 
Scotland river full of rubbish

Nowadays, water in the world is polluted and contents a lot of rubbish and chemical. This is because ourselves, HUMAN. Make rubbish but lazy to find solution to clean it or decrease it. Pity to the nature and ancient civilization, which their more treasure about the "water". So, many from us for the purpose of easy ways, do a stupid action that is throw waste into river, pond, sea and other than that. Many people love their home, or the place they care it. How about other places? Many people don't care the cleanness of other places, they don't care how the places dirty because they think it is not their business. However, who will clean the dirty places, human too.
So, what is water pollution actually? Well, before this we already explained about the water and now it about the pollution. Pollution is something that contaminated or have impurities element such as chemical waste(dangerous), smelly, and other related to those. If we combine with water it become water pollution.

--              Water Pollution              --
--                 Pollution                      --

So, that mean water have been polluted by unnecessary substance or contaminated water element. Polluted water is unsafe to drink and use. Even though, the water look clean, we don't know perhaps there are any impurities element chemical (harmful substances) contain in it. Also, water pollution damage the river, ocean, sea lake or other water source. It is also brings harmful to the aquatic organisms. There are many cases regarding to water pollution. Example of water pollution, you all can see about it in the link description. It happened in Malaysian.

Another news about it

-- Dead turtle --

For your information, sea turtles eat jellyfish as their primary source food but in this decade it mistaken Jellyfish as plastic. So, they eat plastic a lot. However, human in baby stage already has been teach plastics can not eat because it bring harmful to our body and we can't digest it too. Even through, a sea turtle. Because of that, many sea turtles died, increase every year and become endangered species because of what? Because of HUMAN!
Next, the uncontrolled industrial waste from factory lead to contaminated the river cause aquatic organism died. The fact is in developing countries, 70 percent of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into waters, polluting the usable water supply.

Waste from factory

Well, now we know the water pollution became more normally happen in our daily life. In the future, if we still do not take any action for save our water sources, we will live in the bad air, danger, lack of sources of EARTH. For now, many acts and rules to prevent more things worse happened. As the human being, we must differentiate between good and bad. As the people, we must know the knowledge about the pollution, take several ways to prevent it from happened and be nature activist. Government should take any strong compound whose found guilty to pollute environment. Moreover, organization environmentalist should nurture kids from the primary school to let them know about how nature important to every life in the world and become one of the activist of it. Lastly, we hope you all enjoy our post. See you soon in next. Try to start now for our future before Bye-Bye.

Example of organization

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