Tuesday 24 November 2015


Do you know about rhinoceros? Do you have heard about this animal? And did you know that this animal is listed in endangered animal in the world? Let’s together we explore about this animal.
The rhinoceros is in a family of Rhinocerotidae. It is include in some of the largest living land mammal. The rhinoceros mostly living at Africa and Asia. There are type of rhinoceros based on their habitat. In Africa, there have two different rhinoceros, it is black and white rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis ). Meanwhile, in Asia, the rhinoceros called the greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) and Javan rhinoceros(Rhinoceros sondaicus). Today , the amount of population all the rhinoceros species combined is probably less than 25,000 species.
Basically, the rhino have one or two horns on the upper surface of the snout, these horns are not true but are composed of keratin, a fibrous protein found in hair. Rhinoceroses have thick skin, which forms plate like folds especially at the shoulders and thighs. All rhinos are grey or brown in colour but different with the white rhinoceros, which it skin paler than others. Besides, most rhinoceros are solitary, it is individuals avoid each other. Not only that, they also have poor eyesight but acute of hearing and smell. The rhinos also the largest of perisodactyls (Greek language, means a mammal of the order Perissodatyla such as horse and rhinoceros) and one of the features of very large body size in mammals is a low reproductive rate.
What is the Africa rhinos and the Asia rhinos? Let’s take a look one by one.
African's People
The African have two species of rhinos it is black rhino and white rhino. Both of this species are coming extinction because of illegal rhino horn, especially the white rhinos. What is the difference between this two rhinos are the black rhinos has a pointed upper lip and the white rhinos has squared lip. The difference in lip shape is related to the rhinos diet. So, the black are browsers that get most of their sustenance from eating trees and bushes so that their use their lips to pluck leaves and fruits from the branches. Meanwhile, the white rhinos likes to gather in group of as dozen individuals and they mostly live on Africa’s grassy plains. They like to lying in the shade under the hot Africa sun. the white rhino have two horns, the foremost more prominent than the other. It is grow up to five feet (1.5 meters) longs. For the female rhino the horns are use to protect their young but to male rhino, it is use to battle the attackers. As addition, the white rhino are roamed much of sub-Saharan Africa but today is on the verse of extinction due to poaching.

Rhino in Africa

The number of rhinos poached in South Africa has increased by 90% since 2007-from 13 to a record 1,215 in 2015. The illegal poaching keep increased and they use sophisticated method such as use night vision equipment to track the rhinos. This is because they use the powdered horn as a traditional Asia medicine to cure the fever and even cancer.
Meanwhile, in Asian there have three species of rhinos that brink of extinction. It is the greater one-horned rhino which is originally from Pakistan, all the way through India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar. In 1975, it just only 600 species remained but in mid-2015 about 3,555 species and were reclassification from endangered to vulnerable.
Rhinoceros unicornis in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

Then, the Javan rhinos, it is critically endangered and rarest larges mammal species in the world. Also known as lesser one-horned rhino. Live at north-eastern India through Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Today, the Javan rhinos are 60 species left in wild.
Javan rhinos in Ujung Kulun National Park, Indonesia

Rhino mating in Thailand
And the last, Sumatran rhinos which the smallest rhino species and the only Asian rhino with two horns. The Sumatran rhino live at Indo-China, Malaysia and Indonesia. Today, the estimated at fewer than 100 individuals, located in a few small pocket in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Rhino in India
The ways to prevents
Mostly, the rhinos were extinction because of the uncontrollable illegal poaching through of benefit on the rhinos horns. So, to prevent this illegal poaching, we need to stopping the poachers, reducing customer demand for rhino horns also we support the translocation of rhinos to create new and secure populations. Also, government should compound people whose found guilty about their action lead to extinction of rhinoceros. More of it, government should do program associate with rhinoceros such as extinction of animal to school. This thing implant development of bad thing and good thing to children at school and so on for the better future. Furthermore, the WWF has created The World Rhino Day for celebrated the habitat of rhinos that coming extinction. Although, all people around the world must take procedure to ensure the rhinoceros have better future so that kid in future will see this animal. So, together we support the ways to prevent the rhinos from keep extinction. 
Translocated the rhino from Royal